Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Turn the Page

You can probably tell from the nostalgic nature of my recent posts but I'll go ahead and make it official -

After 11 years with Sun, my last day with the company was August 31, 2010.

It feels weird, really weird. I adored my job. I loved the company. I had the best manager a person could ever hope for. I worked on a wildly successful product. My co-workers were like family. My whole management chain, all the way to Larry Ellison, was rock solid. Sun trained me to be a corporate trainer for the company and they let me deliver classes once or twice a quarter.

I had it all. Truly.

But I wanted more.

I want to be a free-lance corporate trainer. I want to do what I love all the time. I want to make a difference in people's lives, a real difference. I want to be able to say I don't work in the summers when my kids are on vacation. I want to take them to the US so they can fish and swim and eat grits and sing along with Miley Cyrus and shop at Target and drive-thru at McDonald's.

I could go on and on. But suffice it to say that corporate training, and especially being a free-lance trainer, is the right thing for me right now. I know it. I just know it.

And just in case I was considering not heeding His calling, God made Sun give me this amazing severance package which gives me some padding in case I need some time to build up my business. That pretty much sealed the deal for me.

And by the way things are looking good. I've already got 2 jobs lined up for November. Maybe I won't have to touch that package.

On a parting note I give you a picture of Melanie Gao in November 1999 on her first day at Sun Microsystems. Wasn't she cute?


nonstick said...

Sniiiiiiiiiff. Just seeing Sun badge fills me with nostalgia.

An said...

Good luck on your new endeavor! My husband started his own business this past March. It's been an exciting ride with ups and downs but SO worth it to be your own boss.

T.Paul said...

Yes, she was cute ;-) I did not take a photo of my Sun badge. It is a mistake. I envy that you can take summers off to have some quality family time.

Anonymous said...

So proud of you, Mel!!! You have worked hard for all of the opportunities that come to you down the road . . . Love you Bug!!!

Anonymous said...

I have taken the picture of my badge as well, when I left Sun.

Yeah, your picture looks cute and like your daughter. I should say your daughter looks like this picture in your badge. ;-)

Dalton said...

congrats Mel, Sun gave you a lot but they were lucky to have you too. Now so many more people will be too. So glad this is taking off for you - and your idea of summer sounds simply unbeatable!

Melanie Gao said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words, and especially for sympathizing with my need to be free during the summers.

Jocelyn said...

Hi Melanie, I can completely understand the need for a little more freedom. I'm sure you're going to be an awesome corporate trainer! ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh boy, look out World! Way to go, Mel!

Ulyana said...

That's fantastic news!!! Congrats!

XueWei said...

Thank you very much Melanie for working with you. And Good lucky!!

Melanie Gao said...

I love you all. :)

Xue Wei it was my honor to work with you. Stay in touch!